SWP are pleased to be working on the shopping centre in Worthing with Accel and Cayuga. Rick and Dean remember working on this back in the Gyoury Self days, when the original building was designed and constructed. Dean was just a junior technician, so it was ink on tracing paper drawing work for him!
The proposal now is to omit the car parking and loading deck and add a few stories of lightweight residential on top of the original building structure. SWP work started with a detailed inspection of the original structure, reviewing the original record drawings. Then a loading review to compare what was possible to add and where.
The design progressed with modelling the new lightweight framing and the steel transfer structure to bear directly on the original columns and walls to ensure direct load transfer to the foundations and piles.
Further research and investigations were needed to check if any more capacity could be made available. An interesting and challenging project for Rick and his team.